Just recently I was sharing about how prayer is powerful. I can't tell you how many times I've prayed and my prayers were answered. Now I want to be careful here. I don't look at God as some type of genie. You can't rub your Bible and expect money to fall from the sky. However, prayer is a conversation between humans and God. So, you may be asking why is she talking about prayer on a hair forum? Think about it... If you pray about your problems then why not pray for hair?
Prayer helps with stress. There is nothing like meditating and just laying your burdens at the altar. Often times, I stress about things that I cannot change. It makes me feel all the better to pray about what is stressing me out. Stress is not good for the body, skin, or nails. Less stress equals more growth and length retention.
Prayer requires dedication and commitment. In order for prayer to work consistently, you have to keep at it and not give up when it seems that no one is listening. When I did not know which products to buy or what to do with it, I asked God for knowledge and guidance. He directed me to resources which helped me gain knowledge.
Praying helps you to remain focused. If you need direction and you're wondering where to begin, just begin with prayer. The prayer of the lost is very compelling.
Something as menial as hair can become something very important in the grand scheme of things. Hair, skin, and nails are our bodies' billboards. If something is not right on the inside, then it shows on the outside. The natural hair world can be quite confusing and intimidating. You may ask fifty different people and get fifty different answers.
I would not say to use prayer as a last ditch effort, but in fact, use it as a tool for guidance, comfort, and wisdom.