There are so many great YouTube tutorial vids out there, but beware... Most of the persons doing tutorials ARE NOT hair experts. They are the experts to THEIR hair. Keep in mind what works for some does NOT work for all.
I was watching the viral video with the young lady who was doing a hair curling tutorial and she burnt off her hair. She was calmly talking and the smoke was sizzling as she continued to talk. When she pulled the curling iron away her curled hair was still attached to it! Oh, the horror!! Surprisingly enough.. I did the SAME thing to my bangs when I had relaxed hair. Burnt hair IS NOT a good look!!
I've decided to count down the top hair practices that can cause hair loss in some individuals. In fact, I have had personal experiences with many of these dangerous practices. It is my hope by sharing that someone will take precaution and not lose handfuls of hair.
#1. Using products that cause your scalp to burn. A little tingle is not dangerous but if you feel flames starting then that is a BAD sign. Wash your hair and scalp IMMEDIATELY and rinse it well. A few years ago I used a product by Dr. Miracle that caused the burn and I thought it was working. Instead, I ended up with red, irritated bald spots in the area where it was applied. I understand and recognize that some people love these products, but I'm sharing MY experience. Someone else might find that a specific natural oil causes and irritation.
#2. Using hair tools that rip the hair out and cause broken hairs. Combs that have close together teeth and hard brushes are a definite NO. While I don't totally finger detangle, I will say that when using combs and brushes, I am EXTRA careful. Wide tooth combs are way better than the combs with the close together teeth. Detangling brushes like the Tangle Teezer are great but can cause further damage on fine hair. Don't pull snarles. Take your time and detangle from the ends up.
#3. Using products with heavy dyes and fragrances. Some people are not sensitive to dyes and fragrances. But, then there are those of us who have to use products with no dye or fragrance. How does this cause hair loss? Skin allergies translate to scalp allergies. If it irritates your skin then it will irritate your scalp. I've had to return or throw away MANY products because the dyes caused sores and lesions on my scalp. I didn't understand the culprit until my dermatologist told me that I am allergic to dyes. While a product may seem enticing, I pass if it has dye in it.
#4. Using hair accessories that have metal pieces. Now this hair practice is particularly damaging. You find a beautiful hair accessory and you look forward to wearing it. So, you wear it in your hair then go to take it out. Chunks of hair come out with it. Why? Because the metal piece gets caught on some of your hair. Be CAREFUL. A pretty accessory IS NOT worth hair loss.
#5. Manipulating hair TOO tight to achieve a style. You want to achieve a high hair bun, two strand twists, or fake pony and you brush, brush, brush then pull it SO tight that your eyes are stretched. You've achieved the hair style, but your edges are thinning and other parts of your hair are breaking off. Was it worth it? I've learned the hard way that forcing my hair into certain styles takes a toll on hair length retention. Some styles just AREN'T going to happen until my hair grows a little. While some styles may NEVER happen. I've accepted that fact and I've moved on.
What are some dangerous hair practices that you feel stunt hair growth and/or cause hair loss?