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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Amla Obsessed

Just today I decided to add amla treatments to my Ayurvedic hair routine. Why the big decision? Well, I had read some great things about it, so I figured it would be a wonderful addition to my routine.

To prep my hair I detangled and moisturized each section with Cantu Shea Butter coconut oil, spritz, coconut oil, and Cantu Shea Butter hair lotion. I made about 4 twists on each side of my head. Then, I wrapped my hair up with a silk scarf and went to bed.

In the morning I opened up the amla powder and dumped it into a plastic bowl. Then, I added really warm water and stirred until it was the texture of pudding.

I put a thin layer on my face for a skin treatment. I could feel a slight cooling sensation.

I sectioned my hair and began putting amla in the back section and then the sides and front. I could see my hair curling up and it looked almost like deep waves. I was getting excited from the definition.

I give amla 5 out of 5 hairballs for curl definition and conditioning effects for the hair and skin (bonus). I purchased fresh amla powder from

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